Welcome to WordPress MU, the Multi User Weblog System built on WordPress.

Welcome to WPMU

Please make sure mod_rewrite is installed as it will be activated at the end of this install.

If mod_rewrite is disabled ask your administrator to enable that module, or look at the Apache documentation or elsewhere for help setting it up.

/home/pilbara/public_html/wp-inst : FAILED
Quick Fix: chmod 777 /home/pilbara/public_html/wp-inst
/home/pilbara/public_html/wp-inst/wp-content/ : FAILED
Quick Fix: chmod 777 /home/pilbara/public_html/wp-inst/wp-content/


One or more of the above directories must be made writeable by the webserver.
Please chmod 777 directory-name or chown that directory to the user the web server runs as (usually nobody, apache, or www-data)
Refresh this page when you're done!

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